Info for election officials
Here on the workbench all forms, information material and documents are collected, which are relevant for the election officers and election committees of the student councils and the department of foreign students.
Information about the election committee can be found on its subpage.
If you would like to help, but don’t know how and where, just write an email to the election committee!
Forms for FSR and RAS
Below are all forms for election preparation and implementation by the student representatives of the department and RAS:
Feedback & Election Boards Form for notification of election officers, polling places and times, and nomination of election boards by student councils and RAS.
Note about the election board: people on the election board should urgently be available on both election days, as at least one member of the election board must always be in the polling place between 9am-4pm, and all members of the election board must also sign after the count. You are the main responsible for the correct execution of the election actions and the counting!
Change of the number of FSR seats Form for the notification of a change of the number of seats of the new FSR to be elected.
Election protocol Constituent FSR meetings Election protocol for the election of speaker, financier and stele representatives as well as other account representatives. Please use a separate protocol for each office.
Current Handouts
Instructional presentation election boards 2022 (German only)
Info sheets
Attention, the info sheets have not been updated since 2014!
The following info sheets summarize the most important points of the individual steps of the election preparation and implementation and should serve you as a checklist:
Procedure for list election proposals
Sample documents
Attention, the templates have not been updated since 2014!
Here you can find samples for the most important election documents with example entries: