What does the Department for FSR Communication do?

The department for FSR Communication is tasked with networking the Student Representative Councils (FSR) of the university with each other and with the Student Council (StuRa).

This is being achieved through…

  • FSR networking meetings…
    These take place every two months and revolve around the wishes of the FSRs and the current topics in university politics. All FSR members are welcome to attend.
    Last meeting: 04.11.24
    Next meeting: tbd

  • Attending the meetings of the Student Representative Councils
    During the term of office of one year, the department tries to visit each student council and get to know the current members. These visits are also about how your student council is doing, what matters you need more support on (e.g. from the StuRa team) and all other concerns that are not (or cannot) be discussed in the plenary sessions. However, you don’t have to wait for a visit to get your thoughts heard. Feel free to contact me in person or send me an email.

  • Administration of the FSR inventory
    FSRs write to you and want to borrow your pavilion? But you don’t have one? Then the inventory list needs to be updated as soon as possible! Write me an email or put a note in the mailbox (in the StuRa office on the main campus) with the information you want to change.

  • External moderation of conflics
    No matter if the conflict is within the FSR, between FSRs, the plenum or the StuRa-Team.

  • Guidelines for FSR work
    New to the FSR or have you been a member for a long time? Sometimes we just have to read again, for whom, how and why we (can) get involved in voluntary work. The guide serves as support and a poster in the FSR room.

  • Beginners’ seminar for FSR newcomers with the FSR beginners’ brochure
    Every year, new motivated people come to the open FSR meetings. And suddenly you are explaining off the cuff how the FSR daily routine is structured. To make sure that nothing is forgotten, the Department for FSR Communication is updating the newcomers’ brochure. To protect your vocal chords, a seminar is also offered, which takes place on request and is then open to all newcomers.

Other areas of work

  • Ersti-Bag
    The university welcomes new students with the “Ersti-Beutel”, which of course also needs to be handed out. The department for FSR communication takes care of the communication for the delivery and the optimisation of the contents. Comments and remarks of all kinds are collected and passed on in direct conversation. Too much or too little? Report directly by mail, then all first-year students will get their bag.

  • Plenum supply
    If a StuRa plenary session takes four hours, we need a little energy in between. The department takes care of a salad snack during the break.


The “Speak-Dating 3.0” is run by students from the Philology Department and promotes communication in foreign languages in a speed-dating-like format. It originated from an initiative of the FSR Klaphiro (Classical Philology and Romance Studies) and held its second iteration in the summer semester 2023. Do you also want to actively promote communication in your mother tongue or foreign language? Then this is the right place for you. When and where we meet will be announced on the Instagram of the FSR Klaphiro.