Your Teaching and Studying Unit!

The Teaching and Studying Unit (LuSt) is the central point of contact for students having questions about study organization. The unit helps students find solutions independently and facilitates connections with the right support when necessary.

Open Letter on the State of Undergraduate Education at Leipzig University

The University Politics Unit, the Teaching and Studying Unit, and the Management of the Student Council submitted an open letter to the Rectorate of Leipzig University on 15 December 2023. The letter addresses the lack of transparency in the budget plan and the state of undergraduate education at our university. It was signed by 26 student representative committees who feel inadequately involved in the university’s financial planning and are concerned about the quality of teaching.
Undergraduate education must be secured in the long term! This also means more permanent positions for mid-level faculty and improved working conditions for student employees. You can find the open letter **(German).

Our focus areas

Common issues regarding study organization include problems with registering for elective modules, or faculty members imposing unlawful compulsory attendance or not following examination and study regulations. This inevitably leads to arbitrariness concerning students’ rights.

The unit’s central areas of responsibility also include transferability of credits earned at other universities and helping with unresolved issues in AlmaWeb.

Students play a key role in the development and revision of study and examination regulations through their participation in study commissions, faculty councils and in the Senate. This process is based on various fundamental principles, and the Teaching and Studying Unit supports all parties involved in implementing them effectively.

Additionally, you can contact the Teaching and Studying Unit if you have any questions about data protection. This includes issues such as breaching your rights by university members (e.g., professors posting notices with personal details like names and matriculation numbers) or questions related to data protection in student committees. The Teaching and Studying Unit plays a central role in student self-administration and provides information and answers to all your questions at

Advisory service

Do you have problems related to teaching or studying, trouble with a lecturer or any other question? Just send us a short email with your concern, and we will try to respond as quickly as possible. You are also welcome to drop by the StuRa office and ask for our unit!

Committees we participate

Rectorate Commission for Teaching, Studying and Examinations (Rektoratskommission Lehre, Studium und Prüfung - LSP) As a general rule, all study documents at our university (such as examination regulations, etc.) must be approved by the rectorate. Since the rectorate is always incredibly busy, the LSP is responsible for reviewing and checking the documents, and the rectorate only signs them after the Commission grants its approval. Any changes to modules, module registration, or study and examination regulations must necessarily go through the LSP.

Support for the FSR-related committees The Teaching and Studying Unit supports you and the student representative committees (FSRs) in your work within committees at the faculty and institute levels.

University Budget Commission (Rectorate Commission) This commission acts on behalf of the rectorate and informs the Senate about the commission’s work. It provides input on fundamental financial matters of the university, comments on the budget plan, and advises the rectorate on budget-related issues

Our stance

Call for better protection against racism and discriminatory language in education

  • press statement (English)

Key points for progress in studying and teaching by 2026

  • plenary resolution 21.02.2023 (German)

Demands for changes to the module regulations at the Language Center

  • plenary resolution 14.03.2023 (German)

Statement on the proposed amendments to the evaluation regulations

  • plenary resolution 11.10.2022 (German)