We are Fairtrade University !!!

What does Fairtrade mean? Fairtrade aims to reduce the imbalance in global trade by empowering producers in the global South and making the consumption of these goods responsible. Economy, ecology and social issues are the three pillars of the Fairtrade standards. All producers and traders must adhere to the standards - only then may their products be labeled with the Fairtrade seal.

What does Fairtrade mean for the university?

  1. Fairtrade products in campus stores & restaurants
  2. Fairtrade products at meetings and official university events
  3. University events around Fairtrade.
  4. Establishment of a steering group. At the University of Leipzig this includes representatives from:
    • Student body
    • Student Union
    • University administration
    • University professorship
    • Botanical Garden
    • Leipzig City Administration